Here’s a hack that I’ve made that adds an options mode to TMNT II on the NES. I’ve tried to make it as polished as possible. The idea is to “replace” the original game, since the original mode is intact on it in normal mode. There’s now an easy mode and a hard mode. What easy mode does is cut all damage in half, except when it was already the minimum of “1”. And hard mode doubles all damage. Quite a challenge!!
This has been fully tested on fceux and on a front loader with an everdrive N8.

Patching Instructions:
Download TMNT II Options Mode Patch 1.13
2- Get your TMNT II USA ROM (please legally own the game). Make a BACKUP of it!
Download Lunar ips
4- Open lunar ips, click “Apply IPS Patch”. Locate the ips file contained in the zip.
5- Locate the TMNT II ROM to apply the patch to.
Done! Now play it on your NES emulator of preference!
Version 1.13 Update:
– Changed the Ultra logo to the Konami logo on the title screen.
– Added “Mania” difficulty setting.
– Added “Fighting” setting. Old = original game, New = rebalanced hp for enemies. Set “new” as default.
– Made it so enemies don’t have invincibility frames when attacked when using the “new” fighting setting.
– The special attack does 50% more damage in the “new” fighting setting.
– Redesigned the options screen.
– Moved the “ 2021″ credit into the options screen.
– Difficulty settings now also affect the enemies’ aggressiveness.
– Difficulty settings now also affect enemies’ starting hp if using “new” fighting mode.
– Improved how scrolling works. Standing on the right side of the screen causes an auto scroll to take place. The point at which a manual scroll happens has been moved slightly to the left for a better experience. So now the screen is divided into 3 areas, as far as scrolling is concerned, instead of the original 2. No scroll, manual scroll and auto scroll. Originally it was just no scroll and manual scroll.
– Added compatibility to the “TMNT II – The Arcade Game Revamped” and to the “TMNT2 – Bugfix & Polish” hacks. First apply the revamped patch, then the bugfix patch, and then the options mode patch.
Changed the “ULTRA” word for “KONAMI” one in the credits sequence.
Version 1.0

Version 1.0:
– Title screen and options menus can be controlled with the original select button, but also with Up/Down.
– Title screen and options menus can be confirmed with the original start button but also the A button.
– Options mode with sound test for all the music in the game.
– Options mode for selecting number of lives (0-9).
– Options mode for selecting number of continues (0-9).
– Options mode for selecting the difficulty mode.
Normal = original game. Hard = you take double damage from all sources. Easy = you take half damage from all sources, to a minimum of 1 damage.
Can you update this so it’s compatible with the turtle swap?
I would like the same as previous comments